Industrial Folk Art and visual works by Hunter Bell (Titles, descriptions, and Prices not noted will soon be updated)

The first two pieces with a saw blade stencil image in the background are a part of The Blade Series, Pt 1.1 (there are a few perspectives RE: the photo of each, thus more than one image for each single, original piece) and the others are experimental (for me) and/or older pieces done in a modified format from the original. There is one more "blade series" piece to come, as well as all kinds of other twists and turns with and within my art. Such is life.


"Cross Edition 2.2" 2010--2011



Iron Cross and Steampunk edition 2.1

The Teeth Edition pt. I





Spray paint, colored markers, ink, acrylic paint, on plywood, stainless industrial steel chain, dowel, bolts and washers, with much passion, depth, tears of pain and final joy
(24 inches x 48 inches)
title & price TBA




Spray paint, colored markers, ink, acrylic paint, 2 x 8 wood, copper straps, stainless steel screws, bolts and washers -- 6 dimensions 
(2 inches x 6 inches x 8)
title & price TBA

Spray paint, colored markers, ink, acrylic paint, 2 x 6 wood, stainless steel chain, dowel, bolts and washers -- 6 dimensions 
(2 inches x 6 inches x 8)
title & price TBA


Spray paint, colored markers, ink, acrylic paint, 2 x 4 wood, stainless steel chain, dowel, bolts and washers -- 6 dimensions 
(2 inches x 6 inches x 8)
title & price TBA

Spray paint, colored markers, ink, acrylic paint, 2 x 4 wood, stainless steel braided wire, dowel, bolts and washers -- 6 dimensions 
(2 inches x 4 inches x 8)
title & price TBA


Acrylic paint on matt board
More TBA
















