Sunday, June 19, 2011


July 3, 10, 17
5:00-9:30 PM
2921 Highland Ave S, Birmingham, AL 35205

Improvisational, experimental, communal open-mic-like nite hosted & roasted by Hunter Bell. As a community event and "public service" of sorts, this experiment entails combining artists of every and any genre the opportunity to meet, create, perform and automatically execute IMPROVISATIONAL works of sound, motion, vision, performance and all things creative. Open to anyone and everyone with open minds, creative desires, community awareness, this experimental event series is destined to beget innovative achievements, an on-going body of creative, interconnected networks, and extraordinary, infinite possibilities of artistic avenues. This experiment is intended to bring together a plethora of artists for improvised JAM SESSIONS with as many participants playing at once as possible. (Please see % information below re: solo or planned group performances)

All professionals and amateurs alike, hobbyist and "authorities," established musicians, anti-establishment activists and anti-activists, genre pioneers and genre benders, improvisers (improvisors) and composers, "rock stars" and isolationists, sound and movement innovator and manipulators akin, sound designers and annihilators, et al are welcome to participate.(*3) 

Bring your own instruments, sonic devices, individual movements, original words (no written or composed words or music allowed).(*1, #1 )

There will be a P.A./sound system provided, along with (limited) microphones and mic stands, as well as modest "house" trap set drums.(*2) 

This event (and events to follow) is subject to change in any and every aspects, as well as evolve, dissolve, etc., as the spirit is "IMPROV" and will constantly depend on more factors than any rules or regulations allow or disallow. So, please don't expect any exact format to be followed. (*4)

NOTE: The above information will most likely be edited and more focused as needed.

for more information, please contact Hunter Bell at or 205-405-6373. ( Please do not contact Rojo for event information unless you are asking for directions. thanks.)


1) Some participants may borrow instruments from attendees, as well as lend their instruments to others. 
2) Please contact Hunter Bell RE: any drum set questions.
3) Hunter Bell and/or Rojo (and affiliates) reserve the right to deny anyone to participate. Sorry, we have to be able to have some control if, and only if, deemed necessary, and WE decide all necessities.
4) This experiment is open to ideas and suggestions from anyone. We expect many aspects to morph, change, rearrange, etc., as well as develop particular formats depending on participants, audience, equipment, and all things unforeseen, murphy's law. . . . .

%1) This is an improvisational JAM SESSION experiment. Solo performances are highly discouraged and not allowed with out permission from host. "Planned" group performances will be considered, but the host must agree and give permission.

1) Rojo, Hunter Bell, nor any associate of Rojo or Hunter Bell are responsible for lost, stolen, damaged, etc., instruments, devices, injuries, etc.,
