Thursday, June 10, 2010

Midas 02/02/2001--06/0?/2010

The world's Greatest Dane, Midas Bell passed away a couple of weeks ago. I just found out. Ironically, I posted something on Facebook a few days after he passed. I simply posted: "I miss Midas." However, I did not have a clue he was dead. I did not even know he was sick. I guess my post came from a "gut feeling" I sometimes have when "something" is wrong, gone, hurt, missing -- but I am not always sure what that "something" is. Now I know what was missing that day.  He was my best friend for many years. He exuded unconditional Love and Loyalty. Midas was like no other being. As my Mentor and wonderful friend (Rob Lehmeyer) always said: "Dogs are the best people I know." True.
I will always remember you. I will always Love you, my friend. now, go chase those cats, Midas!  - "Poppy"

Happy Birthday Rob! Wherever you are. . .

Dr. Robert Lehmeyer 
6/10/1933 – 04/27/08

We shall never forget our wonderful friend, Husband, Uncle, artist/writer/musician, educator, mentor. . . Man with so many ways with words and actions. Happy Birthday, Rob! We Love You!