Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Spaceship Saturn: A Tribute to Sun Ra (presented by the 2010 improvisor Festival) SaturnDay August 14, 2010

SATURNday August 14, 2010

7:00 pm at the Winery at Pepper Place

Spaceship Saturn landed in 1996. Missions from the Spacecraft have continued in various formats, equations, concepts. combinations, situations, realizations, contemplations. . . . . . The Sun-Father of Space music sends his crew back to planet Earth for a special interplanetary performance. Featuring: Hunter Bell (conductions/electronics, words), Karen Bentley Pollick, John Scalici, LaDonna Smith, Doug Carroll, Claire Barratt, Celeste Leborde, Jill Burton, Wally Shoup, Jim Willet, Juliet Eastlick, Cliff McPeek, Rick Nance, Tom Nunn, Andrew Douglas, Michael James, Ron Heglin, Matthews, Matt Atatat, Wayne Anderson, Charles Pagano, Jason George, Louis Perry, Terry Fugate, Randy Crow, Andrew DeWar, Cody Mclain, Craig Legg, ZacK, Stella Nystrom, and many more.

presented by the 2010 improvisor Festival

Saturday, August 7, 2010

August 8th, at 1:30PM: Tom Jackson's improvised/freestylin', hip-hoppin' words with many messages meets Randall Allen Jackson's bongo bangin', guitar strummin', mandolin pickin' JiVe! Worlds and genres collide within the moment.

This Sunday, August 8th, at 1:30PM: Tom Jackson's improvised/freestylin', hip-hoppin' words with many messages meets Randall Allen Jackson's bongo bangin', guitar strummin', mandolin pickin' JiVe! Worlds and genres collide within the moment. This is a free show!